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How would you explain hypnobirthing to a mother who is thinking of doing the course?

It's the most logical and beneficial thing that a mother can do, to make her pregnancy and birthing experience enjoyable, empowering and extremely positive.  Sometimes people can be put off by the term ‘hypno’, however it is nothing like what you see on the television, or what they may imagine.  It is not a stage performance.  It is just enabling a state of complete relaxation, where you feel totally in control, calm and relaxed at the same time; similar to the state we are in when we are just about to fall asleep at night, and when we wake in the morning.  This is achieved through such simple things as breathing techniques and powerful words. 

Hypnobirthing can bring you as a couple closer together during the pregnancy, and helps you understand what is anatomically going on with your body during pregnancy, and the birthing process, so that the sensations you feel make sense, enabling you to not be shocked or concerned by what you feel.  It gives you simple yet highly effective coping strategies, that if practiced regularly will reduce feelings of discomfort.  It is not made up of ‘airy fairy’ things, it is just common sense, logical and evidence based. 

It is not just beneficial to mothers who result in having a natural birth, but for all women, no matter what type of birth you may result in having, as its techniques are beneficial to all, to bring calm and confidence.  Its techniques can also be used in day to day life when situations may cause anxiety or stress.  It is a complete antenatal course, which gives mothers and their birth partners confidence to ask the questions they would like answers to, and to ask for time to make decisions, empowering them, rather than feeling pressured in to situations which may not feel the right thing for them.   It enables their pregnancy and birth to be a magical experience, rather than one that may be fearful or anxiety ridden. 

What are the benefits of hypnobirthing, for the mother, partner  and baby?

There are many benefits that hypnobirthing offers mothers.  It gives them an inspirational vision of the possibilities and aspirations of having a beautiful, peaceful calm birth.  Even during a complex or challenging birth, a calm mother can help her baby.  Hypnobirthing allows mothers to be in a much stronger, confident position to make informed decisions.  It can provide the tools to aid a calm, drug free, gentle and more comfortable birth.   It can enable the mother to experience the transformational nature of birth, which is hugely empowering.  Evidence suggests that hypnobirthing babies tend to be born smoothly and simply, requiring few of the interventions and medications that can make birth hazardous for some.  For both mother and partner, it enables them to acknowledge fears that they may have around the pregnancy and birth, which is half way to resolving them, so that they do not need to bring the fear with them through their journey.  This in turn can benefit the mother, by enabling the mother to be able to reduce the occurrence of the fear/tension/pain continuum, and thus have a smoother, more comfortable birth.

Hypnobirthing enables the partners to be in tune with the work of birth, and prepares them to be ready to protect and nurture the mother, whilst drawing the family closer together. It instills confidence and a calmness in them, in regards to the pregnancy, labour and the process post birth, alongside in the new role as a parent.  Sometimes partners can feel a sense of being helpless – hypnobirthing gives them a highly important role, and enables a feeling of being needed, which works in harmony for the birthing process to bring the couple closer together.

Hypnobirthing enables the baby to feel a huge bubble of love, support and safety during its development, and gives them an easier, less traumatic birth.  It enables a calm, peaceful transition from the inside world to the outside world, allowing the baby to develop and enter its new surroundings in the way nature has intended without interruption and medical intervention, if that is the best thing for the baby.  It has been told that KGHypnobirthing babies are much calmer, relaxed, content, happier babies.  

What is KGHypnobirthing?  

KGHypnobirthing is a process which enables the mother to be in tune with her powerful inner strength.  By using simple and gentle techniques this can reduce the need for pain relief and shorten labour.  It actively involves the birthing partner, and is a complete antenatal preparation; helping to guide mothers and their partners to the birth they want.  It is logical, simple, practical and highly effective.  It empowers the mother and gives her the tools for best possible start in life for her baby.  It is for all women, not only for those who may plan for a straightforward birth.  It aids, strengthens  and instils confidence when making often difficult decisions, by drawing on facts and not assumptions.  It also promotes positivity.  KGHypnobirthing requires lots of PRACTICE, and is different to what people may expect.  It reframes subconscious ideas of pregnancy, birth and beyond, and highlights that what we put in to our mind, our body responds to.

KGHypnobirthing is a process which enables the mother to be in tune with her powerful inner strength.  By using simple and gentle techniques this can reduce the need for pain relief and shorten labour.  It actively involves the birthing partner, and is a complete antenatal preparation; helping to guide mothers and their partners to the birth they want.  It is logical, simple, practical and highly effective.  It empowers the mother and gives her the tools for best possible start in life for her baby.  It is for all women, not only for those who may plan for a straightforward birth.  It aids, strengthens  and instils confidence when making often difficult decisions, by drawing on facts and not assumptions.  It also promotes positivity.  KGHypnobirthing requires lots of PRACTICE, and is different to what people may expect.  It reframes subconscious ideas of pregnancy, birth and beyond, and highlights that what we put in to our mind, our body responds to.

When would you recommend starting the course?

I would advise doing the course in the second to early third trimester of your pregnancy so you can enjoy the benefits during your pregnancy as well as at the birth of your baby.  It is not so much a matter of learning facts so they are fresh in your mind, but more a matter of absorbing the information so that it becomes second nature, but KGHypnobirthing works whenever you do it.  Women have benefited from KGHypnobirthing even very late in to their third trimester and reaped the rewards, giving birth a few a days later.

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